The church now known as Copper Creek Primitive Baptist was established in the early 1800's. The first records show it was organized in 1807 with Elder Robert Kilgore as the pastor. In those days, services were held mostly in homes and in the Saratoga school house. A plot of land was given by William Addington in an area down on the creek about 3/4 mile from the present site, to build a meeting house. A frame structure was erected and put under roof, only to run out of supplies and funding. Therefore, the meetings could only be held during favorable weather. The land was donated by the Addington family, also the lumber, most of the labor and at that time most of the attendees were from the Addington family. This being the case, the structure was known as "Addington Frame." The first meeting there was in the year 1866. Then James and Julia Addington gave land at the present site to build a church building. The old frame structure was raised and moved to be included in the building of the new church, thus bringing forth the name of "Addington Frame." The first May Meeting was held in this building in 1884. The present structure was built on that same plot, and began services in 1914. This year, the 62nd annual session of the Eastern District Association of Primitive Baptists was held here 100 years ago. At that time, Elder Tom Carter was pastor. The introductory was preached by Elder E. A. Robinette from the 1st chapter of John verse 12; "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of GOD, even to them that believe on His name." The moderator was Elder E. S. McPherson and J. J. Addington was clerk. That year, the membership was 94. The donation to the Association was $2.00, the amount received at the Association was $44.00, the clerk's fee was $5.00, and the minutes cost $30.00.
Elder Tom Carter served the church as pastor until the early 1950's. He traveled each month, in all kinds of weather, on a mule from his home near Hiltons. A few times, the weather made it impossible for him to make the journey. He would come early on Saturdays for afternoon service, spend the night with members in the community and hold service on Sunday morning. Around 1950, his health was failing and Elder John R. Gardner was elected to be his assistant. Brother Carter was unable to attend the May Meeting in 1954. That was the first one he had missed in 20 years. The last time he was able to attend was in May, 1956. He passed away in January, 1963.
In 1952, John R. Gardner was elected pastor, after having been assistant to Brother Carter during his failing health. He served the church well until his health failed and he passed away in October, 1982.
Co-pastors, Elder Eckel Head and Bobby Vermillion were elected in 1983. Bob stayed on for 10 years and Brother Eckel remained our faithful leader until his death in January, 2010. Elder Harold Head was elected in 2009 to assist his brother because of serious health conditions, and was elected pastor after Brother Eckel's passing. He was only with us one year until the Lord called him away, also.
The following year, our present Pastor, Elder Daniel Smith, was elected.
Our church at Copper Creek has been a landmark for many Scott Countians through the years. Its location on the edge of a cliff overlooking beautiful Copper Creek Valley, makes it visible from afar in different directions. Our building remains the same with only a few added amenities, such as central heat and air, and an adjoining fellowship hall with inside facilities. Our meeting times are Sunday following the 2nd and 3rd Saturday. Our annual May meeting, which is also our Union Meeting, has become a homecoming time for many who have left the community and still like to return to fellowship and keep in touch with family and friends. In the early years, bountiful meals were spread on the ground; then was upgraded to tables under tents, and now we are blessed to have a place to eat inside comfortably in any type of weather.
The Lord has richly blessed us here at Copper Creek over the last 100 years. We still preach the gospel in the old fashioned way and welcome everyone to attend. We are doubly blessed to be allowed to host the "Grand Ole Body" of the Association this year in its 162nd session, 100 years from the first time it was held here. We pray everyone present will receive a wonderful blessing just by being here. It is a great honor and we take great pleasure in serving you this year. Our prayer is to go forth in unity and love and keep spreading the Word in the old time way. God bless each and every one.
The Eastern District Association of Primitive Baptists convened in its 162nd annual session with Copper Creek (Addington Frame) Church, Nickelsville, VA.
One hundred years ago, God’s children gathered for the first day of the 62nd annual session much the same way as God’s children met to worship and praise His holy name for the 162nd time. Sister Zula McCullough led us in singing songs of praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Draw me nearer blessed Lord and let our soul look upwards with a steadfast hope. Jesus saved our soul from death and now we are free to bask in His matchless love. We should love Him ever more for the pain that He bore. What a wonderful change in our life was wrought when Jesus came into our heart with floods of joy o’er our soul like the sea billows roll.
Elder Terry Sizemore welcomed everyone to today’s service and asked each and every one to praise God with all that is within us. May we give Him the praise and honor in every aspect of our being. Many have passed from us since our last gathering, but it is a blessing to see the good number of young people in attendance with us today. When we keep God in the mix, things go right. We pray that if there is anyone who does not know the Lord that they might find Him precious to their soul. All things will pass away, but our knowledge of Jesus is what will matter in the end.
The Moderator asked all of our ministers to sign the minister’s book, including ministers from other associations and church affiliations. He also asked each church to get their church letters, donations, and obituaries in so they might be counted.
Elder Sizemore mentioned the passing of Elders Gordon Justice, Don Woodward, Bert Banks, and Paul Norton since we last met. Please remember their families in prayer. Thank God for each of them and their stand for God.
The Letter Committee consists of Ralph Baker (chairman), Billy Walton, Joe Robinette, and David Horton (alternate).
Sister Zula led the congregation in singing the old song that is the association’s standard song, “Brethren, We Have Met Again.” Someday soon we’ll meet our brethren there that joined us here. An additional blessing was received as she led us in singing “How Great Thou Art.” Thy power throughout the universe displays, as we realize just how great Thou art! When we think how He bled and died for us, our soul can sing. When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation, we will proclaim, “My God, how great Thou art.”
The moderator appointed the Committee on Religious Exercises, which includes Roy Jones (chairman), Jim Bowlin and Gale McCullough.
Elder Daniel Smith, pastor of the host church, welcomed everyone to today’s service. Praising God for everyone here today and for His guidance, he asked us to be obedient to God’s Holy Spirit.
Elder Sizemore read the document regarding the tolling of the bell for Copper Creek (Addington Frame) Church. This explained its purpose, along with its history.
Eddie and Wanda Malone blessed us with their song and testimony. Thank you for the valley we walk through today. When that valley grows dark, it teaches us to pray in earnest. This life can’t be all blessings, or we would fail to pray as we need to.
Prayer requests were made for the lost, our churches, those serving in the military, our country, Anita Newkirk, John Turner, Mary Rose, Phyllis Rose, Roger Trent, Jeanette Trent, Ricky Wells, Don Bostic, Jim and Doris Burke, Hazel Livesay, the family of a man who claimed there is no God who took his own life, Richard Gunther, Sue Turner, Greg Whittaker, Maude Turner, Henrietta’s niece and great nephew, John Bowlin, Kathy Robinson, Misty VanHoose, Jerry Persinger, Robert Sword, Jack Lambert and Jenny Brown. A show of uplifted hands signified countless unspoken prayer requests. Elder Scott Tipton gave us a wonderful testimony and praise before leading us to the throne of grace in a soul stirring prayer.
Having been chosen to preach the introductory sermon, Elder Daniel Smith took the first part of the service. He read from Hebrews 6:4-20, using as a thought, “We should stand on the sure things of God.” We have a better promise, so when we come to the end of this life, we can say we have fought a good fight and we have kept the faith. For we are persuaded that better things are to come. We cannot go our own way and expect God to bless us. Let us stand on His promise that we may remain steadfast and unmovable.
Elder Oscar Irvin followed with another wonderful message, while thanking God for the privilege of being here and for the memories of traveling with Elder Eckel Head. God understood the needs of man, so He provided a way. He came for a reason, to make a way that man might have eternal life. God takes man out of things so we can see it is Him. God will provide for Himself a sacrifice in that He that knew no sin was made sin for us. Because He lives, we can live also. Our anchor in Christ is steadfast and we know whom we have believed and are persuaded that He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him against that day. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can make us whole. This is a good way that God has brought us through, for He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. We have a better place to go. We don’t have to wonder, for we know God’s promise is forever settled and one day soon we will go into our haven of rest.
We were dismissed for lunch with a song by Jim Bowlin. We must hold to God’s unchanging hand so He can lead and direct our path.
The church at Copper Creek served us a wonderful lunch as God’s children enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. It won’t be very long till Jesus shall appear, that day is drawing near. This earth shall pass away and the works of men will decay, but Jesus has prepared a place for those who believe and trust the unseen hand that guides us through this weary land. Some sweet day we’ll reach that land still guided by His unseen hand. We have heard of a land on the far away strand where we will never grow old. Further blessings were bestowed upon us with special singing and testimony from Brother Clarence Dodson, who led us in singing an old hymn. As you travel on the Jericho road, our heart He will bless if we bring it to Him and confess all our sins. On this road there is room for just two, Jesus and you. Robert, Sherry and Bradley Brown told us about a better home, goodbye old world as we step inside the gate, we’ll need at least a million years to view the throne. The best thing we ever could do is to take off the old coat and put on the new. We have friends who left because of pain, but in that city there’ll be no pain. We won’t need the sun or moon or stars, for He will be the light of that city. Peterson’s Chapel Church singers reminded us to be nearer the cross, for it is where our soul shall find sweet rest beyond the river and in the cross be our glory ever. Walker Bales of Clear Springs Church told us the coming of a day where all is peace for evermore and we shall look upon His face, yes, the One who saved us by His grace. What a day that will be!
Elder Sizemore welcomed everyone to the afternoon service as he thanked the host church for taking such good care of God’s people. Obey the Lord in everything we do that others may see and know there is something different about us.
Prayer requests were made for the unsaved, all those made during the morning service, Leona Collins, Roy Jones’ brother, Roger VanHoose’s granddaughter and with many uplifted hands, many unspoken requests were signified. Brother Robert Wagner of the Thornton Union Association blessed us with his wonderful testimony and asked us to continue praying for the family of Bert Banks just before leading us to the throne of grace.
Brother Ralph Baker, Chairman of the Committee on Church Letters, came forward to give the report of our state and standing. Letters were received from 38 churches. The church letter from Little Dove was not received. It was motioned, seconded and voted to accept the recommendations of the committee and seat those delegates duly elected or appointed by their respective churches as the voting body of the association.
The delegation was seated in order to conduct the business of the association.
The moderator asked for nominations to serve as moderator pro-tem during the election of the association officials. Elder Chris Salley was nominated. No other nominations were made. It was motioned, seconded and voted for nominations to cease. Elder Salley came forward to serve during the election.
The moderator asked for nominations to serve as clerk and treasurer of the association. A nomination was made and it was seconded for Brother Danny Lawson to serve as clerk and treasurer. It was motioned and seconded for nominations to cease. Through the vote by acclamation, he will serve for the ensuing year.
The moderator asked for nominations to serve as moderator of the association. Elder Terry Sizemore was nominated and it was seconded for him to serve as moderator of the association. It was motioned and seconded for nominations to cease. Through the vote by acclamation, Elder Sizemore will serve as moderator for the ensuing year.
Elder Sizemore thanked Elder Chris Salley for standing as moderator pro-tem during the election of the association officials. The moderator thanked the delegation for their confidence in him.
The clerk thanked the delegation for their confidence in him as well. This being the 26th year of serving as the clerk and treasurer, he asked the delegation to pray about someone new to take over this task. While he will not leave them hanging without a clerk, this is not an excuse to not pray in earnest and seek God’s guidance in it.
Roy Jones, chairman of the Religious Exercise Committee, came forward to read the report which includes:
The moderator asked for a motion and second to allow him to appoint all committees necessary to carry on the business of the association. It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow the moderator to appoint any and all such committees.
The moderator appointed the following committees:
Committee on Electrical and PA System: Delmer McPherson (chairman), Scott Mellons, Eric McPherson and Danny Lawson.
Committee on Newly Constituted Churches: Ministers: Burnice Sybert (chairman), Greg Hill and Porter Carroll; Deacons: Millard Ray Hall and Earl Dotson; Laymen: Doyle Odell and Andy Wallen.
Committee on Finance: Carter Hager (chairman), Daniel Hurd and Eddie Malone.
Committee on Obituaries: Roger VanHoose (chairman), Oscar Irvin and Jerry Johnson.
Committee on Arrangements and/or Queries: Ministers: Lewis Baker (chairman), Richard Seiber, Jason Robinette, Frank Gilliam, and Mike Fullington; Deacons: Bradley Bowen and Doug Willis.
The moderator reminded the delegation that Excused Absence forms are available at the clerk’s desk.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to have all things which are standard printed in the minutes.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow the clerk to replenish the necessary forms to properly perform his duties.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow the clerk $1500 in appreciation for his services.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow the moderator $800 in appreciation for his services.
The moderator reminded everyone that only delegates were allowed to vote on the business proceedings concerning the association.
The moderator noted modifications to our trustees as follows:
The clerk reported all financial transactions of the year to the delegation. It was motioned, seconded and voted to accept the report.
Brother Delmer McPherson, chairman of the Electrical and PA System Committee came forward to give their report. The committee purchased a new computer to record the proceedings of each service. This provides a backup for the current system, which will not be used when all the kinks are worked out of the new computer recording system.
Brother Roy Jones reported to the delegation on the Ayers Chapel property. All known hurdles have been crossed, except that of the courts. The buyer has been approved for their loan and the lawyer has created the paperwork necessary for the deed to be created by the judge/court. We are waiting on the court docket and no real time estimate has been given.
It was motioned, seconded and voted that no more correspondence will be made with the ministers and deacons who did not surrender their ordination papers as requested. Along this same line, the search of the deeds for those churches leaving the Eastern District Association of Primitive Baptists revealed no significant findings. This item will not be investigated any further.
The business being concluded, the delegation was dismissed until Friday morning, October 3, 2014.
Lord blessed us with another wonderful day as the congregation gathered for our second service of the association. We don’t have long to wait until we will meet just inside the eastern gate. There is a country to which we are going where loved ones are watching and waiting our coming. This earth holds no treasure and perishes with using, but Heaven holds all to us. When peace like a river attendeth our way, we know it is well with our soul; for our sin, not in part, but the whole is nailed to His cross. Swing out on the never failing, all sufficient promises of our Savior’s everlasting word. Praises throughout the tent bore witness of His spirit.
Elder Sizemore welcomed everyone to today’s service with a song of how God came here to show us the way. Thank God for another privilege to meet again as God so richly blessed His children. Several preachers praising God showed evidence of God’s wonderful love. Regardless of the day God touched us, we know it was the hand of the Lord. Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me and we know it was the hand of the Lord. Wonderful testimony and shouts of praise rang out throughout the tent and God’s people praised His holy name. We know where our help comes from and we know where we are headed. We have a blessed hope and it is here for our taking, if we will just look to Him. Jesus plus nothing is the basis of our meeting together and our very being.
Prayer requests were made for the unsaved, all the requests from yesterday, those serving our country in the military, our association, our country, many wonderful testimonies were given thanking God for His blessings, Tommy and Earletta Meade, man’s son-in-law, Henrietta’s niece, David Moody, John Shelton, man’s daughter and son-in-law, Mary’s son, lady’s sister, Becky, Evelyn Shaw, Clifton Horne’s 2 brothers, lady’s sister Mary, and many unspoken requests signified by uplifted hands. Elder Johnny Banks humbly took our petitions to the throne of grace.
The delegation was called to order to transact the business.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to adopt the business proceedings of yesterday as read.
The clerk thanked Mike Longacre of Textco Media for hosting our internet website. Textco Media provides excellent support and help with any problems that may arise. We appreciate their willingness to support the association in posting God’s work on the World Wide Web. Their company website is
Sister Rana Morphew blessed us with her song of praise. The wondrous story is telling us how the Lord came down from glory. We are strangers and pilgrims in this land, but we are here for a short time.
Elder David VanHoose, having been chosen by the Committee on Religious Exercises, came forward to take the first part of the service. He read Numbers 16:23 - 50. God breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul. God wants to give you eternal life today, but you must ask Him to come into your heart. Thank God for the spirit that moves in our life. The spirit must draw you, but you must answer when He calls. Without Him we have no promise of tomorrow. Satan will tell you to put it off, but heed the Gospel call today. The old must die and the young may die, you need God in your life now. We have the victory through Jesus for the Gospel is the power of God.
Elder Roger VanHoose followed with another heaven bought message from God and he blessed us with his song of praise. Jesus left His home in glory, came and died for you and me on the cross of Calvary. Some glad day we will arise and in His likeness we will be shining until He calls for us. Go on brethren, go rejoicing for this life will soon be o’er. The children would murmur against Him until they realized their need for Him. Without God in our life, we are outsiders, but God has a remedy for everyone. God wants us to be holy, because He is holy; for He loves us. Man cannot live good enough for God, therefore we need Him in our life at all times. He took all of the iniquities that were laid upon Him to the cross and on that third day He rose, giving us eternal life and making us alive, alive for ever more. We are the beloved of the Lord. Let us give Him the glory every day. Earthly sorrow does not work repentance with God. If it is not of God, we better leave it alone. Love one another as He loves us.
We were dismissed in a song led by Elder Scott Tipton. Farther on, still go farther; count the milestones one by one. Shouts of praise and honor for our Lord rang throughout the tent during the singing and preaching of this morning’s service. God so wonderfully blessed His children.
The congregation assembled after a wonderful lunch served by the host church as everyone continued to praise the Lord. He sprinkled us with rain showers as He sprinkled us with showers of blessings. Just over in the glory land we’ll join the happy angel band where we shall meet on that beautiful shore. We should never be discouraged; for we can all attest to the true Friend we have in Jesus.
We were further blessed with special singing and testimony from Amy Bledsoe, Null Lawson, Billy Marcum, and Clear Springs Church singers. He is our cornerstone, our solid ground, and our comforter in all manner of storms. From the grave He rose in victory, so we also have the victory and in His power we stand. When troubles come we can say, it’s me again Lord, I need help that only comes from You. What wondrous love is this, oh my soul, to bear the dreadful curse. He laid aside His crown for my soul and through eternity, we’ll sing on. Did I mention that I love Him, worship, and adore Him? He is faithful in all things and He will make a way. We love Him and that’s all we need to say. We are filled with anticipation just thinking that someday soon we shall behold Jesus face to face. When we finally make the crossing, we’ll not fear chilly Jordan.
Elder Sizemore thanked the church for a bountiful and delicious lunch and asked that everyone continue to obey the Lord.
Prayer requests were made with many uplifted hands signifying the needs of God’s children. Always remember the unsaved, all those serving our country in the military and their families. Allen and Patsy Hensley, Lowell Johnson, family of Mary Rose, whose son passed away, Jacob, Lynn Nickels, L. A. Livesay, Bill and Joyce Hilton, Clara Smith, and many unspoken requests signified by uplifted hands. Elder Daniel Hurd blessed us with his testimony before he took our petitions to the Lord in an earnest and heartfelt prayer.
The delegation was seated in order to transact the business.
Brother Ralph Baker gave the final report of the Letter Committee. No letter from Little Dove has been received. It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow the clerk to review the letter if it was received after the association and if deemed in order, include it in the body of the association.
The moderator appointed the Church Letter Committee for 2015 which includes: Billy Walton (chairman), Joe Robinette, David Horton, and Michael Peterson (alternate).
Roy Jones, chairman of the committee, read the report from the Committee on Religious Exercises.
The clerk read the Resolution of Thanks that he had prepared. It was motioned, seconded and voted to print it in the minutes as read.
The moderator reminded the congregation that we should always come to worship the Lord first and foremost. While we do have the Rules of Decorum, Articles of Faith and our Association Constitution, he asked that we all pay particular attention to our 16th Article of Faith which states, “We believe in a restricted communion confined to the church in fellowship, walking in the light and observing gospel order. I Cor. 5:11, 12; John 13; I Cor. 11:31, 32.” We all agree to these and must follow them to the best of our abilities.
The Committee on Newly Constituted Churches reported that none had been received.
The Committee on Finance reported $5,281.80 in receipts for the year. The chairman thanked each church and individual for their contributions.
The Committee on Obituaries reported that 28 have been received at this time.
The Committee on Arrangements and/or Queries reported that no queries had been received. Three individual letters were received, but these letters were not signed. Queries must be discussed in their home church, read three times and sent from the church to the association.
The moderator noted that all committees are dismissed upon delivering their final report.
The men chosen to write the circular letter for 2014 were Elders Scott Tipton, Jerry Johnson and Harmon Willis. All of these men came forward as Brother Scott read the letter. Its message was to each of us showing us the way and reminding us that He is the answer for all things. It was motioned, seconded, and voted to print the letter in our minutes as it was read.
The moderator appointed the Committee on Circular Letters for 2015 which includes: Deacons Dennis Stewart, Steve Hunt and Doug Willis.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow Roy Jones $600 in appreciation for his services in handling the maintenance and sale of the Ayers Chapel Church property.
Two wheel chairs were donated to the association last year.
The committee created last year to investigate our options concerning the association chairs consists of Oscar Irvin (chairman), Clifton Horne, and Steve Minton. As the committee gave their report, they had checked with Mecca Chair Company. They do not deal in seconds and they give no discounts, regardless of the number ordered. The chairs contain a foam padded bottom, as well as a padded back. The cost per chair is $13. After some discussion, a motion was made that when the Ayers Chapel Church property is sold, we use a portion of the money to buy the chairs. While original discussions were on buying 100 chairs, it was motioned, seconded and voted to buy 400 new chairs at $13 each, still contingent upon the sale of the Ayers Chapel Church property. A question was raised concerning whether the chair company would take in the old chairs as a trade-in on new ones. The motion was amended to cover the trade-in, also contingent on the Ayers Chapel property sale and for the committee to get the best possible price. The same committee remains in force to find best price possible.
The association clerk brought it to the attention of the delegation that the supply of Query books is very low and they have not been updated since they were printed in 1978. After some discussion, it was motioned, seconded and voted for the moderator to appoint a committee to gather all the query data and give it to the clerk so a price might be obtained from the printer and reported to the association at next year’s meeting. The moderator appointed a committee consisting of Elders Burnice Sybert (chairman), Scott Tipton, and Mike Fullington.
The clerk also stated that the supply of direction books is almost depleted. The number of churches is fewer, so the number of pages will be fewer, which should reduce the cost. The only requested addition is to include the actual address of the church. While some churches do not have actual addresses, these can be requested through the local post office, or perhaps through the power company billing records. Church clerks will need to send an update to the association clerk if needed, but each church clerk must send the association clerk a church address. It is requested for each church clerk to do so by March 1st. If the church does not have an address, they may request one be given them through the post office. It was motioned, seconded and voted for each clerk to send any church direction updates and the church address to the association clerk so he can put things together and get a price from the printer.
The moderator reminded the delegation that only those chosen or appointed by their respective churches as delegates were allowed to vote. There were 2 churches that asked for the association to meet with them next year. These are: Fairview, OH (Bellbrook), and Poplar Grove/West View. During the vote, by a clear majority the delegation sent the association to Poplar Grove/West View Church where the Lord willing we will convene on Thursday morning, (October 1, 2015) before the first Saturday in October, 2015. Introductory – Elder Oscar Irvin; Alternate – Elder Burnice Sybert.
Adjourned until Saturday morning, October 4, 2014.
The cool morning air and beautiful sunshine greeted everyone as they gathered for the memorial service. Sister Zula McCullough led the congregation in several songs praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On Christ the solid rock we stand because all other ground is sinking sand. We rest on His unchanging grace. How we’ve proved Him o’er and o’er. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, precious Jesus, oh for grace to trust Him more. We journey through the land pointing souls to Calvary. When in service to our Lord, dark may be the way, so we need to cling to Him more closely. As we look toward the mountains high, we see His outstretched hand to help us and guide us through this weary land.
Elder Terry Sizemore welcomed everyone to our memorial service, thanking God for another beautiful day. His omnipotence is so vast; He set things up in a way that man can praise Him in one more way. He knows exactly what we need. Let us rejoice in knowing there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. In our memorial service, we thank God for these saints that came this way before us and helped show us the way in the lives they lived.
The Copper Creek Church singers so wonderfully blessed us with their testimony and songs in honor of our Savior. The old ship of Zion sails through as the captain bids everyone to get on board. That city John saw coming down was from almighty God. When we reach that beautiful city, we’ll meet by the river to know as we are known. Dustin Lawson also blessed us with his testimony and song. The emblem of suffering and shame, we cling to the old rugged cross, where we will exchange it someday for a crown. The dear Lamb of God left His home to bear it for our sins. The Bowlin family blessed us with the remembrance of what a day that will be when we see Jesus and look upon the face of the One who saved us by His grace. There will be no sorrows there, no burdens to bear, no sickness nor parting there, forever we shall be with the Lord. How beautiful heaven must be!
Remember in prayer the lost, the requests made in previous services, our young people, all those serving our country in the military and their families, Kathy Robinson, H. C. and Pearl Johnson, Brandon Guy, Bruce Addington, Valice Daugherty, the lost in David Stapleton’s family and in all our families, Bradley Brown’s family, ladies grandchildren, Eckel Head’s sister-in-law and her husband, Tommy and Earletta Meade, Amber Stephenson, Nadine’s grandson’s dad and granddad, Gary’s wife, and many uplifted hands signifying unspoken requests. Elder Greg Hill humbly took our petitions to the Lord. This was a special time for God’s children to praise Him and testify of His greatness.
The delegation was seated in order to transact the business.
The clerk explained to the congregation that Brother Tim Addington works with the 911 board and can help churches, especially the local churches. The clerk also mentioned that an offer made many years ago is still valid today. If any church or churches do not have facilities to host the association, the school house located at Blackwater Lick (Big Door) is available to them to use the auditorium or to put the tent on the grounds as well. The church would be tickled to open its doors for someone to host this grand old body.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to adopt the business proceedings of yesterday as read.
Authorization was given for the chair committee to check on trading in the old chairs. The question arose of what will be done with the old chairs if the chair company will not accept the existing chairs as trade-ins. Several avenues could be taken, such as selling on eBay or something similar, or allowing our churches to purchase them, etc. It was motioned, seconded and voted to allow the committee to take care of the old chairs, as well as obtain new chairs.
Brother Steve Minton, a deacon of the host church, came forward to thank everyone from the depths of their heart for everything, regardless of what it may have been.
It was motioned, seconded and voted to print Sister Eileen Brown’s contact information in the minutes as she continues sending out revival and special service notices. Please let her know by the 20th of the month for the notice to be included in next month’s announcements. Individuals and churches should send a donation to help Sister Eileen with postage and handling. Her contact information is as follows:
For many years, the Saturday service has been dedicated as a memorial service for those saints who have passed from among us. The moderator blessed us with His song of praise, then he read the names of those that have passed from our midst this year. God’s precious memories mean so much to us as we remember these departed saints. Please remember their families in your prayers and thank God for having known them.
Having been chosen by the Committee on Religious Exercises, Elder Burnice Sybert took the lead of the service, and gave us a little history of this great gathering. The practice started in 1956 to honor our ministers, and was expanded in 1963 to honor all of our departed saints. He read Deuteronomy 34:1-12 and used as a thought, “Days of weeping and mourning are ended.” When the last breath is taken, a portal is opened whereby we can go to God. A new beginning, such as the birth of a baby, is considered the happiest time of life, while the end of life is mourned with sad hearts. However, for God’s children, the end of this life is best, since we have a heavenly home not made with hands. God chose Caleb and Joshua to replace Moses. When He turned them back into the wilderness, they were not lost, for God knew exactly where they were all the time. When Moses passed away, the people were left in good hands with Joshua. Moses didn’t get to go into the promised land, but God allowed him to view the land. Our young people gathered here today are considered the 5th generation. God always has someone to step up and do His will when it is time to mourn a loss. Thank God for those that came this way before us and for what they taught us. God blesses us with precious memories of these loved ones. Thank God for these our dear friends. With all these gifted people, God has someone to take their place. The mourning of our trials and troubles has ended and it is a time of healing. Let us all go forward and serve our Lord with every ounce of our being.
Elder Terry Sizemore came forward to take the second part of the service with a song and wonderful words of God. He thanked each one gathered in today’s service. Our people need to attend this special service, for it is indeed a special time of healing. He thanked everyone for their prayers during his cancer surgery last year, thanking God for his healing power. Life is short and the time will come when we face the hour of death, we must turn to God for His help. These friends who have outstripped us faced this and are now at rest. We are still here and we need to carry on the mighty works begun years ago. If we know Jesus, we are going to a land much fairer than day. They left us the mantle that we can pick up and carry forward. What God did for these dear saints, He’ll do for us as well. Our remembrance was good then and will be good throughout the eons of time. Our friends and loved ones are gone and it is left to us to carry on. Moses was a great leader; however, Jesus is our great hope, for He is our supreme sacrifice, meaning there is none greater.
These men preached the Gospel to us and we thank Him for their dedication and faithfulness to the work of the Lord.
Sister Zula led us in singing songs of praise as we were adjourned until Sunday morning, October 5, 2014.
The Lord blessed us with a beautiful crisp October morning as God’s people gathered for the final service of this association.
The service began with singing of “I Know My Name is Written There,” “What a Friend” and “I’m Redeemed.”
Elder Daniel Smith welcomed everyone to the house of the Lord with opening remarks while thanking everyone for all their work and attendance during the Association.
Prayer requests were made for the lost, our young people, those of the previous services, those who are sick, including Bob and Maudella Head, Mr. Bostic, Janice Sturgill’s uncle, Fred Kendrick who is facing surgery, Eula Sturgill is having back problems, a young man in Ohio, many families with lost people and a large show of hands for unspoken requests. Elder Roger Manring led us to the throne of grace.
Thank God for the association, which is a grand body of God’s people. We were blessed with special singing from Janice Porter singing “Coming Soon,” Mike Peterson singing “How Firm a Foundation,” Pauline Harper singing her song, and the Bradshaw Family with their two small children singing “Jesus Loves Me” and “Every Day With Jesus is Sweeter than the day before.”
The church clerk read a letter of thanks to everyone who helped in any way, in the association.
Elder Bob Brown took the first part of the service as he asked the congregation to stand and sing “Victory in Jesus.” He read from Acts 1:1-3 and used a portion of the third verse as a thought, "To whom also He showed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs.”
Elder Sammy VanHoose followed with another wonderful message from God. He read Genesis 1:26-27, “And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.” He was blessed to bring a message concerning the formation of the body and the breathing of life into it to become a living soul.
Elder Chris Salley brought closing remarks just before God’s people praised Him in singing “Just As I Am” and “Blessed Assurance” while fellowshipping with one another.
The congregation was dismissed for lunch, served in the fellowship hall.
As in every year, it is a sad time for the host church as everything gets packed up and moved away, it actually brings a little sadness into our lives, but this is quickly overcome when we think of all the wondrous blessings God has bestowed on His children during this gathering.
We thank God for this church and all those that were able to visit and make this their home for a few short days.
The clerk was not able to attend the last day due to being “under the weather” so to speak, but I want to thank Sister Flo Minton for helping me with the details of the service. She did an excellent job and I appreciate her help from the bottom of my heart.
I also want to thank everyone for your kind words as I asked the association to be thinking about a new clerk. We don’t know exactly when this will happen, but we know God has someone to continue the work. It is sad for me, in a way, but it is joyous as well knowing that someone will get to share in all the blessings that go along with the job. It is not me, but Christ working within me that allows me or anyone else to do the work. I have been blessed in so many ways. The years have passed quickly and I treasure each one, especially the fact that God allowed me to get to know each one of you better. It is nothing that I did, but Christ working through me to keep moving forward.
I pray that each one of you will pray in earnest for the next person who takes this position. While it is a work of love, the Lord must have His hand on this individual if they are to be successful. We know He is able; we just need to do our part so He will send the successor. I love you all from the bottom of my heart and I pray God will bless you and your family in the coming year.